Bill of Lading 3.0 Beta 2

Standard documentation

1.1 Preface

永利皇宫app下载注册 envisions a digitally interconnected container shipping industry. Our mission is to be the de facto standards body for the industry, setting the technological foundation for interoperable IT solutions. Together with our member carriers, 永利皇宫app下载注册 creates vendor-neutral, technology-agnostic standards for IT and non-competitive business practices. By working towards the widespread adoption of these standards, our aim is to move the industry forward in terms of customer experience, efficiency, collaboration, innovation, and respect for the environment. Please refer to the 永利皇宫app下载注册 website for more information.永利皇宫app下载注册数据和接口标准计划的目标是加强集装箱航运业在行业内所有各方之间发送和接收数据的能力. Furthermore, 它旨在加强基于共享需求的运营商间合作,并通过使用共享数据语言确保互操作性. 这种语言受到现有标准的启发,并与永利皇宫app下载注册行业蓝图中提出的行业流程定义保持一致.The standards published by 永利皇宫app下载注册 are technology agnostic. 永利皇宫app下载注册并不指向使用特定供应商的技术或系统,而是依赖于开源, shared requirements for the industry that can be used by all parties, regardless of their choice of technology.本章描述本文档的目的、范围、一致性和支持出版物.

1.2 Purpose

永利皇宫app下载注册提单接口标准的目的是简化托运人之间的信息交换, carrier and consignee, as related to Transport Documents. In doing so, 本出版物支持托运人和承运人之间交换的基本信息的标准化. 本出版物的重点是确保就必须遵循的共同需求和标准达成一致,以简化相关行业参与者之间的互操作功能和数据共享.Agreement on standards will ensure that data exchange interfaces, including functionality and data provided, will follow the same definitions and design. 其目的是确保使用这些标准的所有行业参与者的最终用户体验保持一致. Hence, 接口元素必须保持一致,无论它们是使用EDI消息传递构建的, interactive UIs, APIs, manual data exchanges or any other interface technology.
The objective is to simplify the exchange of information between shipper, carrier and consignee, as related to Transport Documents.

1.3 Scope

1.3.1 Process
提单接口标准侧重于“装运指示和起草运输单据”和“运输单据签发”的流程步骤, Amendment and Surrender” as part of the end-to-end documentation process:

1.3.2 Actors
In defining a technology-agnostic interface standard, the interface describes all exchanges of information between any two parties. 用于交换有关装运指示和运输单据的信息, the most relevant parties are:
  • Shipper
  • Consignee
  • Carrier
关于装运的信息交换可能涉及许多其他方面, such as financial institutions and tax authorities. These are not in scope of this publication.
1.3.3 Documents
  • Shipping Instructions
  • Transport Documents
  • Bill of Lading
  • Sea Waybill
These are defined as follows:
  • 运输说明:“对托运人与承运人共享的原始订舱的补充,以及由此产生的承运人向托运人发出的订舱确认。. The Shipping Instructions include final shipment parties, goods description, volume, weight, and other special instructions. 托运人通过《永利皇宫app下载注册》提供的信息是创建运输单据所需的信息。.
  • 运输单据:规定托运人和承运人之间运输条件的单据, which can be in hard copy or digital format. Two distinct types of transportation documents exist:
  • 提单:签发给托运人的合同文件,确认承运人收到货物, acknowledges goods being shipped or received for shipment, 并规定交货条件(作为运输合同的证据). 提单是货物所有权的凭证,可以是可转让的单据. 可协商性意味着文件可以从一方转移到另一方, 而单证的转让是货物所有权转移的必要条件. The Bill of Lading is usually prepared based on Shipping Instructions, including cargo description, given by the shipper on forms issued by the carrier. 当以数字格式发出时,它被称为电子提单(eBL)。.”
  • 海运单:一种不可转让的单证,是运输合同和货物收到的证据. A Sea Waybill is not a document of title, 它必须签发给指定的收货人,不得转让给第三方. 收货人无需出示正本海运单即可取得货物. This can expedite the process of receiving the goods at the destination. 当以数字格式发出时,被称为电子海运单(eSWB)。.”

1.4 Conformance

鼓励集装箱航运业各方实施和遵守本文件中概述和规定的数据和接口要求. The requirements are linked to the UML version 2.用于设计需求的图表以及用于信息需求的逻辑数据模型和数据定义, 哪些必须实施以符合永利皇宫app下载注册框架内商定的标准.

1.5 Supporting publications

This standard is supported by a range of supplementary 永利皇宫app下载注册 publications. The supporting publications are listed in the table below.

该文档包含一个完整的属性列表,这些属性是在提单接口标准3中定义的用例的相关输入.0 Beta 2, including a stipulation as to whether the fields are mandatory, conditional, or optional per process step.

创建永利皇宫app下载注册信息模型是为了组织和编目与永利皇宫app下载注册工业蓝图中描述的流程相关的生成或使用的信息. 信息模型也被用作一个集合术语来描述所有建模数据的产品. 信息模型包括所选数据实体及其相互关系的图表表示.

本文件促进了集装箱航运业中所有永利皇宫app下载注册利益相关者的术语一致性. 航运术语表在永利皇宫app下载注册行业蓝图的背景下发布在永利皇宫app下载注册网站上.

This document provides insights into as-is carrier processes. 永利皇宫app下载注册工业蓝图包括与集装箱/设备从一个位置移动到另一个位置相关的过程, processes that are linked to a shipment/booking, 被认为对行业数字化和标准化工作至关重要的流程, 最后是被认为不具有商业敏感性或竞争优势的工艺.

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