Bill of Lading 3.0 Beta 2

Standard documentation

2.1 Introduction

In line with the techniques used in software development, 永利皇宫app下载注册 has incorporated user stories and use cases into the standards development process to support the digitalization efforts of the shipping industry. Both user stories and use cases serve the purpose of capturing and documenting requirements, but they differ in granularity, level of detail, and the stages of the development process in which they are most prominently used. They are complementary (a user story may be supported by one or more use cases and vice versa) and can be used together to provide a comprehensive understanding of software requirements. In this section we will focus on user stories.User stories are typically a concise, informal description of a feature or functionality written from an end user's or stakeholder perspective. They express the needs, goals, and expectations of users in a way that is easily understandable to ensure the delivered product meets the intended requirements. In standards development, this translates to creating testable acceptance criteria to validate that the standard is correctly implemented and achieves its intended purpose.The next paragraph provides a few examples of user stories that 永利皇宫app下载注册 has relied on to develop the standard for the Bill of Lading process. The supporting use cases are defined in the dedicated Bill of Lading use cases page.

2.2 User stories examples

User storyAction

“As a shipper I want to update the current shipping instructions so that the number of packages gets changed to 500 boxes.“

The shipper submits an update of the shipping instructions with eBL use case “UC3: Submit updated shipping instructions”.

“As a shipper I want the carrier to modify a draft Transport Document so that the Reefer temperature setpoint gets changed to -5 degrees Celsius for all containers.“

The shipper cannot directly request an update of the draft Transport Document. Instead, the shipper requests a booking amendment with Booking use case “UC7: Request amendment to confirmed booking”. After approving the amendment with Booking use case “UC8: Process amendment to confirmed Booking”, the carrier publishes an updated draft Transport Document with eBL use case “UC6: Publish Draft Transport Document”.

“As a shipper I want the carrier to modify a draft Transport Document so that the seal number gets changed to ABC123.“

The shipper cannot directly request an update of the draft Transport Document. Instead, the shipper requests a Shipping Instructions update with eBL use case “UC3: Submit updated shipping instructions”. After approving the update with eBL use case “UC4: Process updated Shipping Instructions”, the carrier publishes an updated draft Transport Document with eBL use case “UC6: Publish Draft Transport Document”.

“As a shipper I want the carrier to modify an issued Transport Document so that the emergency contact phone number for Dangerous Goods gets changed to +1 23456789.“

The shipper cannot directly request an update of the issued Transport Document. Instead, the shipper requests a booking amendment with Booking use case “UC7: Request amendment to confirmed booking”. After the carrier approves the amendment with Booking use case “UC8: Process amendment to confirmed Booking”, the shipper requests via the eBL platforms a surrender for amendment with eBL use case “UC9: Request surrender Transport Document (amendment)”. After approving the surrender request with eBL use case “UC10: Process Transport Document surrender request (amendment)”, the carrier voids the existing Transport Document and issues a new amended Transport Document with eBL use case “UC11: Void original Transport Document and issue amended Transport Document”.

“As a shipper I want the carrier to modify an issued Transport Document so that the shipping marks get changed to Made in PRC for all cargo items.“

The shipper cannot directly request an update of the issued Transport Document. Instead, the shipper requests a Shipping Instructions update with eBL use case “UC3: Submit updated Shipping Instructions”. After the carrier approves the update with eBL use case “UC4: Process updated Shipping Instructions”, the shipper requests via the eBL platforms a surrender for amendment with eBL use case “UC9: Request surrender Transport Document (amendment)”. After approving the surrender request with eBL use case “UC10: Process Transport Document surrender request (amendment)”, the carrier voids the existing Transport Document and issues a new amended Transport Document with eBL use case “UC11: Void original Transport Document and issue amended Transport Document”.